Entrepreneurship with vision!
Methods and Tools for Managerial Capacity Building
of Agricultural Producers in Central and Eastern Europe

3rd International Project Meeting in Slovenia 17-19th May 2017, at University of Ljubliana, Biotechnical Faculty

Third International project meeting was organized in Ljubliana 17th – 19th May 2017. General purpose of the meeting was to present the progress and to plan further activities concerning products of the ISM+Project: ISM Tool, Marketing Module, Business-planning Module, Networking Guidelines.

On 18th of May in Ptuj, during the Agricultural Exhibition of Regional Products , we organized a seminar, under title “Agricultural Entrepreneurship with vision & future expectations of dairy farmers”. During the seminar participants could listen about the ISM+Project, Interactive Strategic Management Method and its implementation in Europe, experiences from trainings for farmers, as well as about the dairy chain stakeholders’ analysis in Lithuania, Austria, Slovenia, Poland, and The Netherlands – concerning farm development paths, opportunities & threats and future expectations.

Program of the seminar:

  • Chair: Olga Oblak (Slovenia)
  • Introduction to the project ERASMUS+ and to Interactive Strategic Management  (ISM) – Agata Malak-Rawlikowska (Poland)
  • On-farm marketing of agricultural products – practical hints to producers – Burkhard Schaer (Germany/ France)
  • Opinions of dairy farmers in 4 European countries about their strategic development and future thinking – Marija Klopčič (Slovenia)
  • Opinions of Stakeholders in 5 European countries about the strategic development of the dairy sector and opportunities and threats – Abele Kuipers (Netherlands)
  • Slovenian bee keeping farmer presents his/her ISM plan (Slovenia)


After the seminar we had an opportunity to visit the Agricultural Exhibition and to disseminate the project results in discussions with farmers, extension workers and policymakers and other participants of this event.


From 2015