Entrepreneurship with vision!
Methods and Tools for Managerial Capacity Building
of Agricultural Producers in Central and Eastern Europe

Seminar hosted by Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 12th of May 2016 – “Teaching farmers how to improve strategic management and entrepreneurship”

On 12th of May, on invitation of Mr. Martijn Homan, Agricultural Counsellor, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands hosted the ISM+PROJECT seminar devoted to the Interactive Strategic Management method and its role in building the farmers’ entrepreneurial competences. During two hours the seminar participants could listen about the ISM+Project, Interactive Strategic Management Method and its implementation in Europe, experiences from trainings for farmers, as well as about the dairy chain stakeholders’ analysis in Lithuania, Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Lithuania and The Netherlands – concerning farm development paths, opportunities & threats and future expectations. Invited guests represented science, extension service (ODR Brwinów, CDR, KPODR, MODR) and representatives of embassy of Lithuania and The Netherlands).

Program of the seminar:

  • Opening and Welcoming by Martijn Homan (agricultural counsellor) and Agata Malak-Rawlikowska (project leader);
  • Introduction in the project: Entrepreneurship with vision – methods and tools for managerial capacity building of agricultural producers in Central and Eastern Europe – Agata Malak-Rawlikowska (SGGW Poland);
  • The strategic management training for the farming sector – a few examples (or “an impression”)  of implementation of the Interactive Strategic Management methodology in Europe – Agata Malak-Rawlikowska (SGGW Poland);
  • Dairy chain stakeholders’ analysis in Lithuania, Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Lithuania and The Netherlands – development paths, opportunities & threats and future expectations – Abele Kuipers (AMT, LEI Wageningen UR).


From 2015