Entrepreneurship with vision!
Methods and Tools for Managerial Capacity Building
of Agricultural Producers in Central and Eastern Europe

Report from the Context Analysis

Report contains a stakeholders analysis of weak and strong points of agricultural sectors in the participating countries in the concerned areas: are educational curricula in line with opportunities in these areas? Which critical success factors and economic, institutional and social barriers do hinder sector and farm development? The report provides a unique analysis of how stakeholders envisage the future of farming in a period of radical policy change and what barriers they foresee to their objectives. Perceptions on development strategies, availability of resources, opportunities & threats (O&T), farmer skills and future expectations were examined in 4 European countries. In 2015 and early 2016, a total of 161 completed questionnaires were collected from stakeholders (leading persons in the dairy chain) in the Netherlands, Slovenia, Lithuania and Poland. Data were analyzed by PCA, ANOVA, cluster and stepwise regression methods. Eight strategic groups of stakeholders were defined. This leads to reflection on own choices and opinions. The outcome affected the adaptation of the tools and products that were delivered. It helped to understand the differences in the ISM method impact on the target groups and sectors in the various regions.



Report from Context Analysis


From 2015