Entrepreneurship with vision!
Methods and Tools for Managerial Capacity Building
of Agricultural Producers in Central and Eastern Europe

Posts by adminkl

Creating an enduring dairy sector (po...

Creating an enduring dairy sector (post quota): analysis of developments, strategies and challenges

Morning program – Country studies: Chairman: James Campbell, chairman AgriSearch Northern Ireland / Marija Klopčič, president Cattle Cie. EAAP Developments, strategies and challenges for UK dairy sector – Gwyn Jones, representative of UK cattle sector. Developments, strategies and challenges for France dairy sector – Valerie Brocard, Institute d’Elevage, France. Developments, strategies and challenges for Netherlands’ […]

Seminar hosted by Embassy of the King...

Seminar hosted by Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 12th of May 2016 – “Teaching farmers how to improve strategic management and entrepreneurship”

On 12th of May, on invitation of Mr. Martijn Homan, Agricultural Counsellor, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands hosted the ISM+PROJECT seminar devoted to the Interactive Strategic Management method and its role in building the farmers’ entrepreneurial competences. During two hours the seminar participants could listen about the ISM+Project, Interactive Strategic Management Method […]

International Project Meeting in Pola...

International Project Meeting in Poland 12-13th May 2016, at Warsaw University of Life Sciences

International meeting was organized in Warsaw 12th – 13th of May 2016. General purpose of the meeting was to present the results from the context analysis of agricultural sector in project countries and to discuss the concepts of project products: ISM Tool adjustments, business-planning module, marketing module, networking guidelines, and student training syllabus. During the meeting, on […]

Dairy seminar at 67th Annual Meeting ...

Dairy seminar at 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science Congress EAAP in Belfast; Monday 29th of August 2016.

Dairy seminar at EAAP Belfast Congress; Monday 29th of August 2016   The seminar is organized in cooperation with: ISM+Project and EURO-DAIRY project and ADSA. The title of the seminar is: Creating an enduring dairy sector (post quota): analysis of developments, strategies and challenges. The seminar is focused on the entrepreneurship and strategies of the […]

International Project Meeting in Pola...

International Project Meeting in Poland 11-13th May 2016, at Warsaw University of Life Sciences

International meeting in Warsaw will be organized on 11 – 13th May 2016. General purpose of the meeting is: to present the results from the context analysis of agricultural sector in Poland, Lithuania, Slovenia, Austria and the Netherlands and to develop the concepts of project products:  ISM tool adjustments, business-planning module, marketing module, networking guidelines, […]

Swedish colleagues learn ISM Method (...

Swedish colleagues learn ISM Method (1-2 February 2016, visit in Poland)

On 1-2 February 2016 two representatives from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences took part in training about the Interactive Strategic Management Methodology and usage of the ISM Tool. The training was organized in Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland. Swedish colleagues intend to implement the ISM method in a pilot training with agricultural students […]

International Seminar in Wageningen o...

International Seminar in Wageningen on “Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management – the ISM Approach” (05-06 November 2015), and the international ISM+ Project meeting.

On 5-6th of November 2015 we participated in the kick-off meeting of the ISM+ Project in Wageningen, The Netherlands. The project meeting set up a background for common work in the project for the next three years. We also refreshed the theory behind strategic management and application of ISM Method, supported by presentation of experiences […]





From 2015