Entrepreneurship with vision!
Methods and Tools for Managerial Capacity Building
of Agricultural Producers in Central and Eastern Europe

Adapted Interactive Strategic Management Tool

Web ISM tool – interactive application used during the training for strategic management and entrepreneurship teaching. Method is designed to support farmers in strategy development.

ISM has three basic principles: (1) the emphasis is on the entrepreneur, (2) interaction with the environment and (3) focus on actions of the entrepreneur. The tool consists of a list of questions the farmer has to answer. The farmer has to score for the three E-elements: Entrepreneur, Enterprise and Environment. After this analyzing part the switch is made to the future strategy. Starting point for this is the farmers personal ambition and vision. The farmer himself has to combine all the gathered information to a few possible strategies, he has to evaluate these alternatives and finally comes up with his personal strategy. The tool also calculates a ‘fitting score’ for 11 strategies. The farmer can use this calculation as inspiration or to reflect on his own choice. Additionally a farmer can perform the GAP analysis, which explains the difference between the tool suggestion and the own farmers’ choice. In the last step the farmer makes an action plan and a presentation of his strategic plan.

The ISM Tool was adapted to the farmers and students working in the sectors of: dairy farming and beef farming, pig husbandry, poultry, arable farming, horticulture and beekeeping (in the past it was focussed only on dairy sectors).

Language version: English, Lithuanian, Polish, Slovenian, German

To access the tool please contact the project leader: agata_malak_rawlikowska@sggw.pl


From 2015