Entrepreneurship with vision!
Methods and Tools for Managerial Capacity Building
of Agricultural Producers in Central and Eastern Europe

MULTILPIER EVENTS – SEMINAR in AUSTRIA “Entrepreneurship with vision in the farming sector” in Austria – 28.03.2018 by Karntner Holstein Breeding organisation and Carinthian Chamber of Agriculture in cooperation with Young Breeders Club from Slovenia!

On March 28, 2018, seminar for farmers and professional people from Kärntner Holstein breeding organisation was organized. In this seminar participated also young farmers and students from Slovenia. The main topic of this seminar was “Future strategies of dairy farmers:  Is there place for small farms in mountain regions?”

The seminar was organized in St. Veit an der Glan by Karntner Holstein breeding organisation and Carinthian Chamber of Agriculture in cooperation with Young breeders Club from Slovenia. More than 40 participants (farmers, young farmers, students, professional people) participated to this seminar. The seminar was held in German language with translation to Slovenian language. The program contained the following presentations:

  • Welcome from the organizers (Alfred Possegger, Rinderzuchtverband Karnten Holstein);
  • Entrepreneurship with a Vision – ISM strategy building trainings for small farmers in European countries (ISM+ project results) – (Peter Kristof and Marija Klopčič)
  • Future strategy of Austrian Holstein Association and breeding organisation in the era of genomic selection (Alfred Possegger, Rinderzuchtverband Karnten Holstein)
  • How to manage in the herd of dairy cows to get “functional cows with high life production?” –  (Meinhard Hubert, Chefklassifizierer Holstein Austria)
  • Marketing approach: where are market nische for small dairy farms in mountain area – (Olga Voglauer-Zablatnik)

Second day, Austrian young breeders and students visited two intensive dairy farms with Holstein breed in Karnten and organic farm Olga Voglauer-Zablatnik. She presented also her future strategies for their organic farm where they produce hay milk and dairy products. She also explained them experiences from ISM training in Austria.


From 2015